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Dr Nikola Milošević

Bayer Pharma R&D, Data Sciences and AI, Scientific Insight Solutions
Nikola.milosevic at
Bayer A.G.
Müllerstraáe 178, 13353, Berlin

ORCID: 0000-0003-2706-9676
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Nikola Milošević earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He completed his PhD in computer science at the University of Manchester in 2018, focusing on text mining and natural language processing in the biomedical domain. Following his doctoral studies, he continued his research as a Research Associate at the University of Manchester, working on projects at the intersection of data science, social innovations, biomedicine and computer security.

In 2020, Nikola joined Bayer Pharmaceuticals, where he leads the development of scalable NLP platforms and innovative methods for relationship extraction, knowledge graphs, and generative AI. His work involves leveraging and fine-tuning large language models such as GPT-3, GPT-4, and Llama3, Mistral, as well as addressing challenges like hallucinations in LLMs (e.g. VerifAI project).

His research group operates at the crossroads of natural language processing, machine learning, and biomedical informatics, with the aim of developing advanced computational methods to extract, analyze, and integrate biomedical information. Nikola's scientific curiosity lies in how artificial intelligence can be effectively applied to process and understand complex biomedical data while maintaining accuracy and interpretability.

Nikola's research has been funded by various European initiatives, including the Horizon Europe scheme and the NGI Search funding for the VerifAI project. He played a key role in the KNOWMAK project, an EU Horizon 2020 initiative focused on developing methodologies for collecting and monitoring social innovation projects.

In addition to his industrial role, Nikola maintains academic connections as a Research Fellow at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development of Serbia. He continues to contribute to the scientific community through publications, collaborations, and by leading the internal NLP community at Bayer Pharmaceuticals.

Dr Casper Gøtzsche

Bayer A/S
Medical Affairs – Cell & Gene Therapies
Arne Jacobsens Allé 13, 6.
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Mobile: + 45 26 66 68 51
E-mail: casper.goetzsche at

ORCID: 0000-0003-3063-2853
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Casper Gøtzsche earned his PhD degree in Translational Medicine and Neuroscience in 2015, from the University of Copenhagen, DK, including a stay at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MA, US. Following doctoral studies, he pursued a career in biotech joining CombiGene, SE, as the chief scientific officer leading the preclinical development of gene therapies for CNS diseases, while also working as the co-founder of RetiPharma, DK, developing novel therapies for eye diseases. He has kept his affiliation to University of Copenhagen as guest researcher. Subsequently he joined UCB Nordic as the Medical Lead in Scandinavia responsible for areas of Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and rare diseases. In 2022 he joined Bayer A/S, DK, as global medical director for development of innovative therapies in for treatment of Parkinson's disease.

He is specialized in R&D, drug development, medical affairs, project management, and entrepreneurship within CNS disease (with a strong focus on Parkinson's disease), ophthalmology, cardiovascular diseases, and rare diseases.

He has published 26 articles in peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals with an H-index of 14, filed 2 patents, and served as guest editor and reviewer for scientific and medical journals since 2013.