National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

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Elias Manolakos, PhD

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
Information Technologies in Medicine and Biology
Panepistimioupolis, Ilissia
GR-16122 Athens, Greece
Email: eliasm at

ORCID: 0000-0001-6376-0419
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Dr. Elias S. Manolakos is a Professor in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Before joining the University of Athens in 2004, he held tenured associate and assistant professor positions with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University (-2004). At Northeastern, he led the Communications and Digital Signal Processing (CDSP) Center for Research and Graduate Studies, an academia-industry center of excellence for five years. Dr. Manolakos has also been a Visiting Scholar at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering (2012-2014), MIT's Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems, and Northeastern's Bouve' College of Health Sciences (2016-) in Boston, USA.

His research interests encompass statistical signal and image analysis, machine and deep learning mathematical modeling, artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, embedded systems, and their application to address unmet biomedical and environmental sciences, precision medicine, and digital health needs. His group has contributed complete system solutions, including algorithms, software tools, and hardware architectures in these fields. Elias is passionate about interdisciplinary research, having taken leadership roles in over 20 funded EU and US research projects. As an assistant professor, he received the prestigious NSF Research Initiation Award for his work on parallel algorithms and architectures for higher-order statistics and applications in biomedical signal processing. He has served on the editorial boards of prominent journals such as IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, etc. Dr. Manolakos has contributed to numerous IEEE Conference technical programs and organizing committees. He has served two terms as an elected member of the IEEE SPS International Technical Committees on Machine Learning for Signal Processing and the Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems. Additionally, he is frequently invited to judge or mentor at startup competitions at the intersection of AI and biomedicine.

Dr. Manolakos has authored or co-authored more than 130 publications in peer-reviewed prominent journals and conference proceedings with his students. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Southern California, an MSEE degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece.